My Shoot today with Evie Lovelle
Today I’m shooting Evie Lovell, a well known Burlesque Dancer from Hollywood. I found a YouTube Video of her, and here she is… Here’s a link to the shoot we did… How was this post? Good? Bad? Or? Please leave a comment below! Check out the list of recommended Hollywood Glamour Photography Books and Videos […]
Model: Jasmine Worth
December 6, 2009 by Darkman
Filed under All Articles, Hollywood Glamour Lighting, Models, Old Hollywood Glamour

Jasmine Worth is an old friend that I knew from the gothic/industrial scene like 8 or so years ago, before she started modeling at all. We used to see each other at clubs dancing and hanging out and one time she asked me about doing some pictures for her. I had been doing pictures in […]
Model – Masumi Max, Varga BBQ
November 26, 2009 by Darkman
Filed under All Articles, Color Pinup, Lighting Equipment, Models

Masumi Max is a well known fetish model who happened to be attending a BBQ that Roy Varga was having one afternoon. The BBQ was the celebration of the opening of Varga’s studio, which was housed in a custom car chop shop. Masumi was slated to show as a featured guest and model among many […]
Model – Katie Kasket – Color Horror
November 26, 2009 by Darkman
Filed under All Articles, Horror, Models

Here we have Katie Kasket starring in a spin off of the movie Hostel. My interpretation of the movies posters and cut scenes. These images were shot under a green light and then some heavy Photo shopping done to them to get a grimy, dirty look to them. The main images which is used as […]
Model – Katie Kasket
November 26, 2009 by Darkman
Filed under All Articles, Hollywood Glamour Lighting, Models, Old Hollywood Glamour

Katie Kasket was one of my favorite models to work with. A bit of a cult figure in her own right, she’s had a comic book made after her, and has so many followers on Myspace it’s incredible. Katie has a company called Kasket Kustoms, in which she sells custom hand painted purses. Each purse […]
Model – Heidi – From Fresno
November 20, 2009 by Darkman
Filed under All Articles, Hollywood Glamour Lighting, Models, Old Hollywood Glamour

Holly from Fresno contacted me via Myspace for a private shoot. She agreed to let me post the best images on my website. She came down and stayed at a friends house, and we shot one day and she came back the second day and finished up her shoot, with some color pinup stuff which […]
Model – Bella – Shower in the night
November 20, 2009 by Darkman
Filed under All Articles, Models, Nude

This is a model I had the pleasure of working with Named Bella. This was a private shoot but she agreed to let me post the best images on the website. The lighting was a nifty trick of placing a big spotlight, a 1954 era Fresnel from Hollywood, outside the shower windows. The lighting gave […]
Model – Lindsey Lou – Limited Edition Collectible Prints
November 18, 2009 by Darkman
Filed under All Articles, Featured, Limited Edition, Models, Old Hollywood Glamour

I have decided to start putting my work up for sale here on my site. I have sold my work before in different arenas, but never on my own website. Galleries, privately and even on eBay(groan). Now that I am going to take my life in the artistic direction I have been wanting to I […]
Model: Guy Chapman – The Film Noir Villain
November 3, 2009 by Darkman
Filed under All Articles, Featured, Film Noir, Hollywood Glamour Lighting, Models, Old Hollywood Glamour

I met guy through a mutual friend that introduced us with the intention of needing to get some head shots done. Guy is an actor and has been in a few movies I am sure you have heard of: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest and Red-Eye as well as a few TV Series […]
Model: Bianca Malise
November 1, 2009 by Darkman
Filed under All Articles, Color, Models, Nude

This was my first shoot with Bianca back in July of 2006. A great model to work with, who is now turning toward the scene behind the camera. We did several different scenes for Diva Devotchka, a defunct site of mine which I might someday redo and get back into, I just need a little […]