Model: Jasmine Worth
December 6, 2009 by Darkman
Filed under All Articles, Hollywood Glamour Lighting, Models, Old Hollywood Glamour

Jasmine Worth
Jasmine Worth is an old friend that I knew from the gothic/industrial scene like 8 or so years ago, before she started modeling at all. We used to see each other at clubs dancing and hanging out and one time she asked me about doing some pictures for her.
I had been doing pictures in the club scene for some time, doing the club scene type pictures that you see on websites of clubs. I had some great ideas, at least I thought they were great ideas. Somewhat fetishy in style, I guess she didn’t like the idea and I hadn’t heard from her for several years after that.
When I did run into her again she had a full portfolio and one of the best fetish/latex fashion models in the San Diego L.A. area.ย I never really asked her what happened, but we’ve shot a few times since and this is one of her ideas. She was saying a Hedy Lamarr type thing and it wasn’t until later, months later that I saw images of Hedy Lamarr and I realized WOW what an uncanny resemblance.
The images of Hedy Lamarr, the movie star ofย the 40’s 50’s and 60’s, we’re beautiful in their own right, but the images we had created were incredible and I couldn’t believe what a resemblance ours had to her’s. I had never seen images of Hedy Lamarr before until months after Jasmine and I shot. I have to credit Jasmine for this shoot as it was her ideas and her guidance during the shoot that we were able to come up with the resulting shots.
Jasmine Worth is a great model but she is also an incredible artist. Her art is somewhat like a fairy tale gone bad, but it’s beautiful. One can only experience her work and see what she does for themselves. Her site and online gallery are here
Here are the images we came up with for this shoot. Enjoy…
These shots were done with 2 Altman Fresnel Lamps, a keylight and a background light.
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I saw where you were talking about hotlamps, and how the fresnel hotlamps are hard to simulate using strobes and grids. What do you know about the old film spectrum response, and how that related to the “hot-lamp look”, it seems before there was panchromatic film, it had almost no response to the blue spectrum. Do you take that into account when converting to BW from Digital? I love the look of your images!
Andrew Rodgers | |
Hi Andrew, of course I don’t take it into consideration. ๐ This is the year 2009, why would I? I mean I could but I don’t. Ortho didn’t take in blue spectrum of light and made lips dark and eyes pale. Hurrell had bought a stock of ortho film and shot tons of it. Then when he was about to run out he had to change to Pan, and he liked that even better he said, as it gave the skin tones a “creamy rather than burnished” look, due to the fuller range of color spectrum it “saw”. I’m happy with the way the images look now. If I really want to do a harsh looking old 1930’s or “Vampy” look, I will use a dark red lipstick on the subject and some red tone makeup to make it look darker like ortho film and then dodge the pupils a bit to finish the look off. I shoot both film and digitally. When shooting Digital I shoot in black and white, I don’t convert color to black and white. It’s interesting when converting my site over to this new site and looking at my archives, I se alot of things I would change now and where I would add a light or a fill here or there. Good learning experience going back over old images when deciding which ones to use. Oh and I do use strobe with grids occasionally but on very small boxes. to there’s good shadow and contrast.
Thanks for the comment. Come back soon. Larry
Unless you have a camera I don’t know about, you do convert to B&W, just using the curves built into your camera ๐ I always forget to think about things like styling to achieve the goals I want with a camera… It’s neat to work with fashion photographers, that use a box of MAC just like I use my favorite lens… Again, I love your work!
I absolutely love your work. I am a photographer in Portland, Oregon and am looking into delving into this type of photography. I wanted to know if you use a soft lense, soft lense filter or do you get the soft look (especially with Jasmine Worth) in post-production editing?
Thanks for your info!
Hi Nancy, the soft look is sometimes a very shallow DOF(Depth of Field). I NEVER do a soft focus anything in post production. Honestly sometimes my things come out as mistakes and that’s how I process it. I shoot my shots and I sometimes do some heavy retouching but ONLY to the skin and/or hair. I remove blemishes, dark circles from under eyes, stray hairs, shadows from the face, but Never a soft focus. If anything just a shallow DOF. That’s it. I try to have my stuff as Organic as possible, meaning not much post processing other than retouching unsightly blemishes.
Thank you for the comment!!!