Model: Kristabelle #2, Color Burlesque Pinup, Black and White Glamour
October 28, 2009 by Darkman
Filed under All Articles, Color, Hollywood Glamour Lighting, Models

Kristabelle - Color
Here’s a couple more from Model Kristabelle. I did a couple in color for a burlesque project I am working on, and thought I would share here. Kristabelle is also going to be our opening lady for Pinup of the month for January 2010. I would like to hear from my readers which ones they like, the color or the black and white, and why. This helps me to figure out what my audience likes. If there’s ever any questions I hope you would feel comf0rtable enough to ask them. OK this is it for the tonight, have a great evening folks.
The first shot was done with 2 Altman Fresnel Lamps, a key light and a hair light.

Kristabelle - Color

Kristabelle - Color

Kristabelle - B/W

Kristabelle - Color
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Very good lighting,but composition should be more interesting.