Desolate Metropolis – a Photographer
November 19, 2009 by Darkman
Filed under All Articles, On Photography

On Photography
I usually don’t get excited over other peoples photography. Except the exceptional, and I mean that, I just don’t. Today I came upon a photographer who just wowed the hell out of me. This person does what I want to be able to do. a style of photography that I have always been interested in since I was a child, I just never really followed up on it.
The site is and I would recommend people to go check out this persons work. Seriously. I am always looking for people who catch my eye, as I feel my eye is very discerning, and anyone who can wow me can most likely wow anyone. If you get a chance to see this persons work tell them you heard about them from Darkmans Darkroom. I would appreciate it.
The photography of DM is of old architecture, deserted buildings and more. More of a long lost history and civilization even. Lost America, things we take for granted but changed the lived of millions of people. The lives of the people who built America and who are indirectly impacted by those who help to build what we take for granted today. The modern luxuries of simple things like automobiles and buildings. OK I am getting a bit philosophical but that’s only because I am so moved by this persons images.
Anyway, just go check it out…
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